Vietnamese Mossy Frogs
Vietnamese Mossy Frogs
Sex: Male & Female
Latin name: Theloderma corticale
Native Home: Vietnamese Mossy Frogs are found in northern Vietnam and possibly in China. Its natural habitats are primary evergreen rain forests. It is a semi-aquatic that is found in caves and steep rocky cliffs.
Size: The female Vietnamese Mossy Frogs will grow larger than the males and can reach sizes of 3–3.5 in. Adult female Vietnamese Mossy Frogs are larger, measuring in at approximately 3.5-4 inches. Male Vietnamese Mossy Frogs are a bit smaller, averaging about 2.75-3.25 inches at maturity.
Diet: Vietnamese Mossy Frogs eat crickets, cockroaches and earthworms.
Reproduction: The Vietnamese Mossy Frog is a tree hole breeder. They prefer to lay eggs above water filled tree holes in dead trees, where the tadpoles drop down into the water below.
Lifespan: Vietnamese Mossy Frogs are capable of living over 5 years in captivity