Snowflake- Leucistic Texas Ratsnake
Snowflake- Leucistic Texas Ratsnake
Sex: Male
Latin name: Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri
Leucism is a condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting in white, pale, or patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, scales or cuticle, but not the eyes.
Native Home: Texas Ratsnakes are found in the United States, primarily within the state of Texas, but its range extends into Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma.
Size: Texas Ratsnakes can reach length of 5-6 ft as adults.
Diet: The Texas Ratsnake will eat almost anything in the wild – lizards, birds, eggs etc, but in captivity you can exclusively feed them rodents.
Reproduction: Texas rat snakes are egg layers, and can produce up to 20 eggs. They will hatch at around 60 days.
Lifespan: The average Texas Ratsnake will reach between 10 and 15 years of age. Exceptional individuals may live more than 20 years.